Biblical Expositions
Biblical Expositions
Teachings of Rev. William Allan Dean, ThD

Sermon List

Individual Sermons Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

This section contains single sermon topics.

Page 1: 42 sermons. Page 2: 43 sermons. Page 3: 41 sermons.

The Names of God Series

Studies on the ways God revealed Himself in the Old Testament through His Names. Each sermon is an in-depth study of what God has to say to us through each Name and how they have definite application for each of us today. 18 sermons.

 The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 Part 2

The history of the first 30 years of the Church. Outlines the defense of the Faith, and the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. 42 sermons.

The Apostles of Jesus Christ

The lives and characters of the 12 men Jesus chose to be his close friends. 12 sermons.

The Apostles’ Creed

A study of each of the tenets of the Apostles’ Creed as found in the Word of God. 17 sermons.

Bible Prayers

A series on significant prayers in the Bible. 10 sermons.

Bible Prayers Series 2

Another series on significant prayers in the Bible. 13 sermons.

The Character of God

Eight studies looking into the character of God as revealed in the Old and New Testament of God’s Word. 8 sermons.

Christ Hath Appeared

Christ hath appeared, Christ now appears, and Christ shall appear. 3 sermons.

Christ in the Revelation

Here God reveals the consummation of His plan of the ages and the glorification of His Son, Jesus Christ. 13 Sermons.


6 sermons.

Christ’s Post Resurrection Work

The ministry of Christ did not end at the Cross. 3 sermons.

Christian Ethics Series

Character traits that God desires for those who are redeemed by the shed blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. 14 sermons.

The Claims of Jesus Christ

A study of what the Bible has to say about who Jesus Christ is. 11 sermons.

The Prophecy of Daniel

An overview of the prophecy revealed to Daniel. The answer of God through Daniel to the heathen Babylonians for placing God’s sacred vessels in the temple of their god. 7 sermons.

The Doctrine of the Second Coming

It is not for us to know the times and seasons of the Second Coming of the King of Kings. But we should be living as though He is coming today, now! 7 sermons.

Easter Sermons

36 Sermons.

The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians Part 1 Part 2

Paul’s teaching on many doctrines that relate to the matters of sin and righteousness. 36 sermons.


Everything we have came from and belongs to God. 2 sermons.

God Called Twice

Men whose names God called twice. 4 sermons.

God’s Covenants With His People

A study of the Covenants God made with His chosen people. 9 sermons.

The Grace of God

2 Sermons.

The Great Benediction

A study on the benediction of Hebrews 13:20 - 21. 2 sermons.

Great Changes

The Christian Life consists of a series of Great Changes. 9 sermons.

The Prophecy of Habakkuk

A conversation between Jehovah and Habakkuk. 2 sermons.

Great Nights of the Bible

While others sleep: great men are made or broken; world changing events occur. 12 sermons.

Hebrews Part 1 Hebrews Part 2 Hebrews Part 3

An in depth study of this Epistle to Hebrew Christians. 40 Sermons.

Hebrews Chapter 11

A study of the Old Testament members of God’s “Faith Hall of Fame”, as presented by the inspired writer of scripture’s Letter to the Hebrews.These Old Testament Saints compose a “Cloud of Witnesses” who give testimony of God’s Truth in Christ. 13 sermons.

The Holy Spirit Series

Understanding the workings of the Holy Spirit prior to and after the Day of Pentecost. 8 sermons.

The Book of Isaiah

Isaiah is the great statesman/prophet of the Old Testament. He prophesied about Israel’s future as well as the grace of God toward Israel. 23 sermons.

The Epistle of James

This book encourages godly behavior and uncompromising obedience to the Word of God. 20 sermons.

Jesus and His Foes

Those who opposed Jesus at His first coming. 3 sermons.

The Gospel of John Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

This gospel centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

The 1st Epistle of John

Concerning fellowship with God. 24 sermons.

The Book Of Joshua

God’s record of his supernatural works, intervening on behalf of his chosen people Israel. 11 sermons.



The church has lost its message. This epistle warns against apostasy in the Church.

The Kingdom Of God

The Most High God is sovereign over Heaven and Earth. 5 sermons.

The Letters to the Seven Churches

These letters written by the Apostle John, included in Revelation, are just as relevant today as they were when they were written. 7 sermons.

Our God Is Able

Nothing is too hard for Our God. 4 sermons.

The Epistle To Philemon

Paul writing to Philemon from prison to request that he forgive the slave that ran away. 8 sermons.

The Epistle to the Philippians

Precious precepts for Christian living. 25 sermons.

Our Lord’s Prayer

A study of the Lord’s own prayer to His Father just prior to his crucifixion. The Gospel of John, Chapter 17. 18 sermons.

The Power of Prayer

What God’s Word has to say about our prayer life and why God doesn’t answer prayer. 6 sermons.

The Principles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 5 sermons.


A ray of hope in days of darkness. 12 sermons.

Psalms Part 1 Psalms Part 2 Psalms Part 3

Turn to the Psalms for comfort, hope, joy, peace, and the assurance of God’s presence. 55 sermons.


An overview of the prophecies in this prophetic book revealed to the Apostle John. 6 sermons.

Epistle to the Romans

The epistle of Paul to the Romans explaining the Righteousness of God’s character and the Righteousness God imputes and imparts to those who put their trust in Him. 12 sermons.

Sacred Songs of Luke’s Gospel

Sacred songs recorded by Luke on the Advent of the Savior’s birth. 4 Sermons.

The First Book of Samuel

A Time of decadence in Israel. The period of transition from the Judges to the setting of a King. Samuel was both judge and prophet. 24 sermons.


We do not fully appreciate the sinfulness of Sin. Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death! 5 sermons.

The Ten Commandments

God’s moral law given to His Chosen People after liberating them from slavery in the land of Egypt. 10 sermons.

Second Epistle to Timothy

Paul sends this second epistle of exhortation to Timothy while awaiting execution in prison at Rome. 16 sermons.

 Valley Experiences

Our valley experiences are where we learn more than on our mountain tops. 4 sermons.

Walking With God

2 Sermons.


The responsibility of every Christian assigned by Jesus Christ. 7 sermons.